13. A. N. Bernshtein (1896.05.11(1896.10.24)-1966.01.16)
尼古拉•伯恩斯坦 [Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bernstein 1896.05.11(1896.10.24)-1966.01.16],前苏联生理学家、教授,生于莫斯科。主要研究心理生理学,尤其是运动生理学问题。
“运动的感觉修正原则”在他的思想体系中心有显著地位,与 H.K.阿诺兴的“返回传入”概念及控制论中的“反馈”概念相类似。
他任职于莫斯科劳动研究所期间开始从事人体运动研究,逐步完善了一种反机械论的心理生理学理论。这种理论强调人类行为的主动性而非被动性。在 N.维纳发现控制论前 10 年,即 1935 年,伯恩斯坦就提出了一种用于解释随意运动的反馈机制。在《论运动结构》一书中对随意运动的发展和感觉运动技能的获得作了全面的分析。
伯恩斯坦坚决反对将条件反射作为研究人类行为的基础。他全面地检验了对 I.巴甫洛夫学派的怀疑。他的理论成功地应用于康复器械的设计、运动心理学和苏联宇航员的训练上。40 年代末,他遭到巴甫洛夫学派的严厉批判,其著作也被禁止出版。直到 60 年代,前苏联心理学界对伯恩斯坦才有了一个全面的认识。那个时期他主要研究预测事件发生的概率机制和“未来意象”的形成。这种“意象”与其说是生理学上的概念不如说是心理学上的概念,它决定了行为的策略,并且对基本的行为动作实施控制。
14. G. I. Rossolimo (1860-1928)
G. I. Rossolimo was attracted to neurology as a medical student in the late nineteenth century and remained affiliated with Moscow University most of his life. His training included psychiatry, neuropathology, and laboratory research in his postgraduate years. The domain of his neurological clinical interests was vast. His most enduring efforts were directed toward neurological illnesses and developmental delay. He established a children's institute for neurology and psychology that was the first of its kind in Russia. In addition he developed a neuropsychologic examination for assessing cognitive function. His sustained interests were pursued during and after revolutionary changes in his government.
15. L. V. Zankov
1991'4, p.119
Ippolitov F. V.
Psychology of memory in L. V. Zankov's works
There are four directions in which L. V. Zankov's research of psychology of memory gave significant results. The first of them is genetical analysis of mnemic activity, based on age characteristics, levels of learning, sanity and mental retardedness. The second one deals with the display of mnemic activity methods. The third one analyses the duscrepancy between mnemic purpose and real content of memorizing matter. The fourth one is concerned with un-deliberate processing of information specificity. L. V. Zankov is one of the first Soviet experimenters who paid attention to specific paradox of set in memorizing of meaningful matter. His research stated the question of structure and content of sense units of a text. L. V. Zankov worked in social-defectological field too.
16. Adolph Meyer(September 13, 1866 - March 17, 1950)
Adolf Meyer, M.D., LL.D., (September 13, 1866 in Niederwenigen, near Zurich, Switzerland - March 17, 1950), was a Swiss psychiatrist who rose to prominence as the president of the American Psychiatric Association and was one of the most influential figures in psychiatry in the first half of the twentieth century. His focus on collecting detailed case histories on patients is the most prominent of his contributions; along with his insistence that patients could best be understood through consideration of their life situations.
“The commonsense psychiatry of Dr. Adolf Meyer”
Lief, Alfred
New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill. (1948). xvii, 677 pp.
Dr. Meyer has never written a systematic treatment of his psychiatric theories, yet his influence in the history of psychiatry has been very great. In this volume the author presents 52 selected papers together with a biographical narrative. The papers are arranged to illustrate the development of Meyer's thinking rather than by the chronology of their own publication.
Full text: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1528263/
A. N. Bernshtein-
G. I. Rossolimo-
L. V. Zankov-
Adolph Meyer -